Monday, July 5, 2010

Blogging- Alex and Mitch

Student- Alex

Well im writing from the top floor of our hotel here in My Tho. We have a 360 degree view of the city, the river, and the surrounding islands. It's beautiful. We started buliding today! After orientation with the Habitat Representatives yesterday, we were prepped and ready to begin working! We travelled a few kilometers from our hotel and arrived at the build site. We had to walk from a road down a few alleys to get to where we were actually working. I spent most of my day bagging and hauling sand from the road to the site. Others worked in the house mixing mortar and laying block. I'm so happy that we're doing what we came here to do. To serve and change lives. To everyone at home, I love and miss you all! Happy Birthday Mom! I won't mention your age on here, but I hope your party went well. Dad, thanks for the blog responses! I hope Mom isnt missing me too much. Aaron and Karley, I miss you guys, and tell my Lincoln I miss him too! I hope I'm not forgetting anyone... I'm just kiddin' Cass! I'll be home soon dear! Talk to you guys again soon

Student- Mitch

Hey sounds like the cottage was a blast, in this heat water skiiing sounds I've gone to heaven haha. Since we've arrived here, we have seen and done many things; visited a buddhist temple, boat rides down rivers, been to a snake farm, and today we visited an under privillaged school. (the children we so small and cute). Today however, we started the build. Let me start by saying... there is a lot to do. The house is located in an alley way, fronted by a swamp. Mine, and others main job today was creating a walkway with sand bags and fill. Others mixed mortar and layed bricks. The people seem so grateful and nice. I am having an amazing experience, hope all is well at home, miss you all, love Mitch.


Rick said...

Thx Alexander and Mitch for the update. We're suffering through a record heat wave here at home. Hope that brings some solace in your work over the next few days. It's so hot that Tay, Kay and the Lincster have bunked up here in your room for the air conditioning. Better hope it cools down before you get home. :-) Your Mom was touched that you blogged on her birthday.

Cherish the moment(s).

Be Stedfast.


Kaley said...

Uncle Al,
Ever heard of Goldilocks and the three bears? Well, the long and short of it is she ate from someone else's bowl, sat in someone else's chair and slept in a bed that wasn't her own. Something similar is happening here in Niagara, except substitute chocolate milk for porridge and add a six pound dog. But the moral of the story is what really matters here - that the bears didn't mind. Hope you feel the same ;) Missing you and excited to hear of your adventures.
Tay, Kay and Linc

Cass said...

It sounds like you guys are very hard at work! I’m so glad you all have this opportunity and I can’t wait to hear all the great things you learn, and everything you experience. You’re all in my thoughts and my prayers! Can’t wait to see you when you get home Alexander :)
p.s. you should have left me skittles..

-Love Cass

Heather DelleMonache said...

Awesome updates...I am very envious of your experiences; and yes, even the hard work:) What an incredible way to increase your global awareness. Find something special there that you can use to remind yourself at a future date that you do have the power to affect the world, one act at a time. Miss you kiddo! High fives to you and your new friends...