Sunday, July 4, 2010

From The Leaders

This is just a short note from the DSBNi Team Leaders - we wanted to say thank you once again for sharing your children with us these past few days - they have indeed been a real blessing to all of us - we have laughed and cried together as well as laughed until we cried. Each one of them have risen to the occasion - we do have a ways yet to go - but we know already that success is inevitable for DSBNi as well as each one of them.
There is not a time that the team has gone out to experience the many opportunities this beautiful country has to offer that we have not been met with a friendly smile and a quiet hello from our new Vietnamese friends. There are parts of the country we visited that have been extremely poor in the way of material possessions, but regardless they are all very rich in family and life. The impact has been a real eye opener for everyone - both leaders and the DSBNi Ambassadors – we know that this trip will live on in each one of our lives forever.
Once again, thank you for sharing your children - we will bring them back with a new freshness and a renewed excitement for life. If you were here with us - there is no doubt that you would be as proud of them as we are - they have inspired each one of us in an extremely positive way.

Good night from Vietnam - The DSBNi Team Leaders

1 comment:

Dawn Peebles said...

Thank you leaders, for taking time and effort to allow our kids to have this experience. We are confident as parents in what you are sharing and giving to them as they give to others in this build.
It is always amazing to see how others live around the world. We know you will all grow through this experience.

Again thank YOU for all your doing on this trip.
Sincerely,with appreciation, The Peebles