Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Student: Emily
School: Governor Simcoe

Today was our first full day at the build site and everyone managed to have a good time while we worked. The heat is hard to work in though, and causes frequent breaks to be taken. Today's job was to fill in the floor cavity with about 2 feet of dirt and keep working on the brick walls. We worked so well as a team and I noticed everyone looks out for everyone else. The second you look upset, worried, or sick, someone is making sure you're O.K. It's amazing how we've turned into a little family so quickly. I'm pleased that I've built many strong friendships with people, and I hope they last. I can't put into words how much I love our team and how much they've changed me in so many positive ways. I can't wait to keep working hard tomorrow!
Love and miss everyone lots! xo
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Student: Nancy
School: Stamford Collegiate

Hello Canada,
Yesterday, we had a half day of work. We were shoveling sand and wheeling it to the area for the floors. We also were taking nails out of the wood. We also laid some brick. People here really reuse their things; nothing goes to waste here. We also got a chance to see children who are 4 years old that are unfortunate and can't afford food or school. Playing with them was really an amazing feeling. I never felt so happy just to see a smile from a child 'till this day. We all complain about little things in life and give up so easily when there are little problems. As I watched the children I thought to myself; they haven't given up yet when they have so little, so we shouldn't give up either when we have so much. "My roads aren't straight anymore, but my roads are now with added direction." Missing you all and love you all very much, keep following us.
- Love Nancy Nguyen  :)
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Student: Fiz
School: Sir Winston Churchill

Today was a full day of work. I now truly appreciate the work construction workers do. It certainly isn't easy, but there is a driving force within the group that seems to push us through the heat, through the pain, and even our own self-doubt. Perhaps it is our common goal, when we are all here; to make a difference in the lives of others as well as ourselves. The home owners are so thankful! I can feel it when they smile at us, and shake our hands. The father especially is extremely active in the build, he seems to do more work than we do! :) The bond within the group is also growing. In experiencing everything new together, we have become very close. We are starting to become a family.
Watching how the group interacts with the Vietnamese people, and vice versa has showed me tolerance and the greatest respect. I believe now that everybody can get along. As primary as that sounds, I now know it to be true. I have witnessed firsthand that no matter your circumstance, you can find common ground with anybody. Love you all at home: dad, mom, Oli and, The ikes.
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Student: Curtis
School: Welland Centennial Secondary

So we've officially started construction.  Even though it is hard work, we're healthy and happy, but a bit tired. So the family I am working for is very nice. The gentleman who will own the house is so grateful for everything we do. The kids who will live near the new house are named "How" and "Hip", or at least, that is how their names are pronounced. They are perhaps the cutest bundles of joy and energy. How is 5, and Hip is 4. Although they know absolutely NO English, we still manage to play and communicate, if only on the simplest levels. Building feels good, even though it is completely draining. I can see a lot of rest and relaxation upon my return, not getting out of bed till maybe noon, like Ryan... :) (See, I did mention you :) ) Speaking of rest, I should probably go do that now. Wake up here is around 6:00 am for me, and it is currently 9:20pm here. I love you all at home very much, and miss you dearly :) Even you Dakota :) See you in a few days!

- Curtis

1 comment:

Jynx said...

Hi Curt!
It sounds like such an incredible experience. You have all done a fantastic job thru the blog of expressing your thoughts and feelings.To travel is always an amazing experience but to do so with purpose is something you should all be proud of. Congrats on your hard work!
Your VERY proud aunt,