Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blogging- Mike, Kevin, Ryan, Ian and Alanna

Student: Mike

Today not only did I learn how to properly tamp dirt and split bricks, I also learned that no matter what lauguage you speak you can always get along. Time goes by fast when others say "hi", smile or laugh. It's been so great helping the family, I can't wait for tomorrow.

Keep up the support loved ones, family, parents and teachers. Jaimi keep on smiling, I'll be back soon. Hope you don't miss me that much. (lawl) I had too.
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Student: Kevin

It was a slower day on the build site today. Scorching heat in the morning and rain in the afternoon made for hard work. Fatigue was also a considerable factor. But despite all the troubles today, we still accomplished an exceptional amount of work. With only one more day of work, everyone is eager to get as much done as possible tomorrow. I guess this would be good morning to everyone back home. I'm feeling great and so glad that I was able to have this experience. I would like to thank Mr. Collison for selecting me for a chance at this opportunity. You've taught me everything I know! This has been amazing. A lot is very different here, I'm sure you've read from others blog, but I'll fill you in completely when I get back. I miss you!
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Student: Ryan

For the last three days we have worked, for me it was very hot and also for others. It has been very productive and we have accomplished a lot. We had to work a little slower today because of the rain and it got up to 38 degrees. Tomorrow should be up to 42 degrees, so it will be way hotter to work. The work has not been too hard, it is just the heat that gets you the most. We should be able to get lots more done.
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Student: Ian

The worksite is small, with an alley way as an entrance. Rubble is everywhere, which is being used for the flooring. The walls are going up quickly. I have been shoveling sand and wheeling it to the house for the floor, mixing mortar, breaking/tamping bricking for the floor. The build is going great.
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Student: Alanna

Today was my first full day on the worksite, and it was incredible.The entire day I was surrounded with the hard working homeowners, locals and of course our team. Being with hardworking and passionate people is unexplainable. This whole experience has been so inspiring and it makes me want to do more for the world. I feel that everyone on this trip has been inspired, positively changed and has gained a new appreciation for everything that we often take for granted in life.

My day was spent playing with the neighbourhood children, and every second of it was amazing. It amazes me how a language barrier hasn't stopped any of children from trying to communicate and play games with us. We brought a bunch of toys for the kids to play with, and they were thrilled to see the Canadian frisbees, bouncy balls and blow up balls. The children here are so much fun to play with and they couldn't be any cuter. Hard work is something that every child has in them, they helped shovel sand and tried to help us wherever they possibly could. The highlight of my trip by far was playing and getting to know the children here, it has been heart warming. The housebuildng process of this experience, I learned, doesn't only affect the homeowners, but the whole community. I can't wait to head back to the buildsite tomorrow and see all the children and continue building.


smyth said...

Alanna, what an experience! I can feel your excitement through your writing!
Love you and can't wait to see you
xxoo mom

Unknown said...

Awesome Work Guys!! So Proud. We all are supporting you guys :) and i have to admit, that comment was cute mike :P xo. see you guys soon. I'm so exited for you guys! :) -Jaimi